Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A few words on content and structure

The approach that I have in mind may work, or it may not. My ulterior purpose here is that I am also working on a major revision of my book Selling Used Books Online, and consequently I am planning to organize the various links and resources on this site to synchronize with the chapters of that book. We'll see how it goes. For the time being I have placed the text of each chapter as the first post in its section, and links and resources would then line up in the sidebar section abutting each chapter. We'll see. I hope this project won't cannibalize my sales of the first edition, which are still brisk (the book is five years old and has been through five printings).

I've discussed with a few friends and colleagues the possibility of somehow using this blog to make collaborative the process of identifying areas for revision, and have been pleased that some people have seemed enthusiastic about the idea. More about this later.

Whistling while we work

You've found me! Having returned recently to my online bookselling business after a brief hiatus, I'm rebuilding the Online Bookselling Resource Center and hoping that the Blogger structure will make it easier on the eyes and more efficient to maintain. So please bear with me as I put things up over the next few days, and relax and enjoy some of my favorite music with me by clicking on the links below.

Copyright Harvard Perspectives Press, 2002-2007.